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    8a tworzy hity z AI! Głosujcie

    Z radością informujemy, że uczniowie klasy 8a Prywatnej Szkoły Podstawowej Leonarda Piwoni w Szczecinie zrealizowali niezwykły projekt muzyczny!

    Wykorzystując narzędzie Suno oparte na sztucznej inteligencji, stworzyliśmy własne piosenki! Każdy utwór posiada tekst, wokal i linię melodyczną, a wszystkie reprezentują różne gatunki muzyczne.

    Jesteśmy niezwykle dumni z efektów naszej pracy i chcemy się nimi z Wami podzielić!

    Posłuchajcie naszych utworów i zagłosujcie na ten, który najbardziej Wam się podoba!

    1. Natasza:
      1. Prompt: please create a dance composition of a pop song on a frequency, with an energetic beat and electronic instruments, made available for playback with funny lyrics about dachshunds
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/149ae1a9-7990-44b6-8aef-d62afdf48986
    2. Wojciech Ci.:
      1. Prompt: compose a lovely song that celebrates the antics of hilarious gore horror pandas frockling and jumping around. Infuse the track with upbeat rhythms, catchy melodies and humorous lyrics that depict the playful nature of these lovable creatures. From somersaults to clumsy tumbles, capture the joy and absurdity and how silly they are.
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/bfb59a62-e7e0-4e90-a0da-b72f4779c2a3
    3. Wojciech Cz.:
      1. Prompt: Skomponuj utwór o lataniu  w chmurach
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/030385f3-3f9f-40eb-a803-fa9d22d8d3ae
    4. Adam:
      1. Prompt: compose a piece of music in the disco polo style about glowing stone -s, Zywiec Zdroj water and sausages with mayonnaise. In the text, include something about how you don’t like FC Barcelona
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/48147617-2a8e-4a94-82db-cc4bbecc8045
    5. Nadia K.:
      1. Prompt: create a song about loss and longing, where the main theme is the fight against loneliness and searching for light in the darkness. The melody should be in an alternative style, with subtle pop elements to emphasize the emotional tone of the song.
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/d588a286-ccb4-4156-a2a9-e32295dbeee3
    6. Żelek M.:
      1. Prompt: imagine you are composing a drum and bass song inspired by the rich narrative and vivid characters of „Pan Tadeusz” by Adam Mickiewicz. Your task is to weave a musical tapestry that captures the essence of this classic Polish novel, blending the epic tales of love, honor, and the quest for independence with the distinctive sounds of drum and bass.
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/1cd76b67-481b-418a-817b-c49d68d6e815
    7. Grzegorz M.:
      1. Prompt: create Disco Polo about crying Fc Barcelona fans after the match with Real Madrid
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/25cb4384-fd62-41c9-bfca-f4c564698a64
    8. Nadia M.:
      1. Prompt: create pop song with fun beat and sad lyrics about person that went through hurtful lost and desperately trying to get better
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/5bae1b3c-7747-44d6-8b97-29883ec81003
    9. Julian:
      1. Prompt: create a composition about the European Football Championship in 2024. The music is supposed to be energetic and give character to the teams that will play at this championship, and also has the ability to connect heavily with the final of this competition.
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/32014e1f-02fe-4f1e-afca-1c17c4100b09
    10. Wiktoria:
      1. Prompt: create a song in trap style, the song should be about life in Poland which is usually hard but can also be fun. There’s also something to be said about teenagers who think they’re adults and teenagers who don’t have friends. it may also be about working Poles who work the hardest in Europe
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/694f8055-41b7-4957-b9a2-125dc087997b
    11. Kubek:
      1. Prompt: disco polo song about Janusz driving passat year 2000
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/b084f422-c373-49e1-90bb-cb40d06ab8d3
    12. Maksymilian:
      1. Prompt: create a piece of music in the style of street jazz, 1970s, which talks about communist problems and what consequences it brought.
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/96b22791-ff9f-46f4-a1a4-63586bec07b4
    13. Wojtek W.:
      1. Prompt: create a musical piece telling the story of a rabbit who invites his friends – other meadow animals – to play. Describe the joy and energy they all experience as they jump through the blooming meadow, having fun and laughing. Incorporate descriptions of nature, colors, and sounds that accompany this joyful moment. Let the music reflect both the gentleness of the rabbit’s jumps and the energy accompanying the play of all the animals.
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/c4c18e35-b744-46f8-b743-d5cd6b15765b
    14. Emilia:
      1. Prompt: I want a song with a vocalist with a hint of rock and sadness, contains a summary of the book „Stones for the Rampart”
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/56fbc817-74e4-4f87-a91b-62d2c7089a04
    15. Aleksander Ż.:
      1. Prompt: compose me a fast rap song about a dangerous streets of Poland in Polish
      2. Link do piosenki: https://suno.com/song/7e9357d7-2bba-4483-9821-4551495caa71

    Formularz do głosowania: [Link do formularza Google]

    Dodatkowo, pragniemy podkreślić, że tekst tego artykułu oraz grafika wyróżniająca również zostały stworzone przy użyciu sztucznej inteligencji!

    To pokazuje, jak niesamowite możliwości daje nam ta technologia.

    Zachęcamy do wysłuchania piosenek, zagłosowania na Waszego faworyta i podzielenia się swoimi opiniami w komentarzach!

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